The Girl in the Green Scarf: Lesson

Yes, I'm likely the ONLY female who hasn't seen this movie or read the book, Confessions of a Shopaholic- until tonight. Okay, well likely not the only woman, but it feels like it. That movie is so silly! Insulting really (but fun)- to all the smart women out there but, and I do mean but, there are some great little lessons in that movie. I could take a page/scene out of that movie myself. Could you?

It’s funny that so many women identify with the truisms of that movie; an over-spender who "needs" that dress, pair of boots, that coat, those earrings, that handbag etc. but can’t afford it ie doesn’t have the money (vs credit) to pay for that ‘need’.

I've never purchased Prada. I've never even entered into Tiffany’s (I know! Shame on me. One day I'll have breakfast!) I think because those brand names/stores intimidate me. (Wait, let me check. Yep, I’m intimidated.) I feel like they somehow know my blood isn’t that rich. Really, I’m biding my time until I’m wealthy (and I will be) before I can enter those intimidating stores and say “You work on commission right? Remember me? Big mistake. Huge!”. Empty retaliations. Odd. Yet fun.

Anyway, I have however, bought clothes on my credit card. Yep, guilty. Only I buy clothes at stores that don’t have laser vision into my financial soul. I have done it many, many times. And what's worse is I have paid for them using my credit card that already has a significant balance. Egad!
So, back to the Girl with the Green Scarf. Here’s my big question inspired by the Green Scarf bird: is your credit card the enemy?

Some will say- “Your credit card is your friend! You can collect useful points, get 'free' stuff and even save money with it.”

Based on the 7 Wealthy Wilma financial books that I've painfully read to date- I'm going to make a bold statement. Ready? Your credit card IS the enemy if you have a balance on it that makes you want to hide under a green scarf. That's right- it’s the ENEMY; it’s the gold ring; it’s Skeletor, it’s that ex-boyfriend who told everyone you slept with him when you didn't (or did- whatever); it’s your boss that takes credit for your work and throws you under a bus to save his/her hide; its every magazine that makes you feel fat and unfashionable; it’s your email that screams at you that you have 80 new messages when you wake up (the world should stop working at 2am! C’mon people!); it is the E.N.E.M.Y. Now, quit sleeping with it! And by sleeping I mean having it on your pretty person when out in public near a shopping district. If you have a shameful balance on your credit card -and by shame I mean: you’d sweat, go red in the face and only whisper the amount on your card, only to lie- as its likely higher than what you just confessed. See? It’s the enemy. It’s even making you into a liar. LIAR! Bust out the kleenex, we've got water works ladies. Sad.

Remove the enemy from your wallet. Figure it out. Become a Wealthy Wilma- suffer like the rest of us and learn this thing. Or don't be a Wealthy Wilma, but remove it until you've learned how to befriend it.

Now, lets pay cash for our next green scarf. As a matter of fact, screw green scarves, black never goes out of style.

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The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: