True or false: Imagination is the key to great wealth?

According to Napoleon Hill’s research of hundreds of wealthy American’s in the book Think and Grow Rich—it’s true! This means that if you have an imagination (which I do, high-five!) then you are closer to wealth than you think, if you activate it.  I quote:

If you have the imagination and see a more profitable outlet for your services, this suggestion may be the stimulus for which you have been searching. The idea is capable of yielding an income far greater than that of the average doctor, lawyer or engineer whose education requires several years of college. There is no fixed price for sound ideas.

Really, when you think about it—any great idea that amassed to great wealth started with imagining a new product or service in a creative way: Facebook A+ on imagination (twins...settle down, you have an imagination, too), Google A+ on imagination, ING Direct A+, A+, Molly Maid A+, eBay A+: Twitter A+, HooterHider A + (just learned of this, its brills!), Spanks A++ (my ass thanks you), Apple A+++ and the list goes on.

Look at Henry Ford (who was interviewed in this book) he had an incredible imagination and no formable education. He surrounded himself with smart people—but his wealth amassed when he imagine the first automobile and brought his imagination to life. No big deal. Developed the impossible (and was laughed at)—and then took his immigration right to the bank.

I’m a big day dreamer; dreamer at large—and yes have a great imagination but after reading this book—there is a key take-away (my interpretation): there is a difference between dreaming and having an imagination. A dream is one by which you dream to win the lottery, you dream of prince charming, you dream of being a famous movie star. It’s quite different from imagining yourself as a famous movie star—because when you imagine something, your forethought guides that image, and you build roads to bring it to life. When you dream—it’s like you’re on autopilot, an escape of your reality, and its set aside as quickly as it appeared.

So—based on my readings of Think and Grow Rich—it’s in your very best interest to leave work right now, grab a pen and paper—head down to a park or coffee shop and let your brain imagine how you could make more money—without restrictions, given your skills. Write it down. Then go get the book Think and Grow Rich and learn how to apply imagination so that one day you’ll be quoting Pretty Woman “Remember me? You work on commission, right? Big mistake. Huge.”


How to Awaken Your Financial Brain

If you say you don’t have a financial brain, I’ll say bull! You do. Your financial brain is likely just sleeping because you’ve never used it. It just sits there, dormant—somewhere between your fashion brain and your everyday-work brain. 100% underutilized. What a shame. 

Think of the life you could be living right now if you used that financial brain ten years ago? What would your house look like? What would you be driving? How many different country stamps would be on your passport? It’s not too late! Let’s wake-up your financial brain!

The only way to awaken your financial brain is to first understand that you absolutely have one. And then, start to stretch it and challenge it! You will have to get financially engaged (Engaged? Yep, a giant diamond could come eventually). Start with reading a financial book. Maybe two. Then do your own personal budget—you’ll have to force yourself, like any exercise routine.

Most don’t fall in love with bodybuilding until they see their muscles grow. And most don’t love to run until they really get a good run in, where it didn’t hurt, they covered some distance and felt a high. Just like that, you likely won’t enjoy have a bigger financial brain until you’re seeing your money grow. And when you do—you’ll get that financial 'high’! After all, your financial brain is a muscle—the more you work it, the better it works.

The tough part is the first step; reading a financial book. I’m going to rip off the Band-Aid right now and tell you—you’re right; they’re not that stimulating.  There is no sex. There is no juicy character build up. There is no suspenseful dialogue. There is no big reveal. The language appears to be English—but most times their word choices are so foreign it hurts your eyes. It hurts your eyes because you’ve never used your financial eyes. But what if the financial book you picked up, triggered an idea—that when put to action made you millions? It is possible.

Wake-y wake-y financial brain--- it's time to stretch.

Build Your Home Office

Imagine a wealthy person. What are they wearing? What do they drive? Where do they live? Now—walk into their (imaged) house—find their office. Look around, what do you see? Maybe a big filing cabinet? Maybe a nice clean desk with pictures on it? Maybe there is even a stereo system in there? It feels wealthy, it smells wealthy (go with it)...touch it, it is wealthy. You’d love this home office, you want this home office.

Your turn. If you want to be wealthy—you’re going to have to start somewhere. And that somewhere is in your own stack of papers. It’s time to set yourself up for wealth. To be wealthy you need a home office. Maybe it’s a corner of your living room. Maybe it’s a corner of your bedroom, maybe it’s a closet—but declare said space your office—and own it! This is the place where your wealth will build. Where you’ll file your finances, and build your empire. You may start in the closet—but one day you’ll work your way up to a gorgeous home office that you’ll love.

It’s not that hard to build your office. You’re just starting your wealth journey—so you don’t need much. But what you do need is a great attitude about it (happy happy!), and you do need to channel your organization spiritual guides—you know, the kind of oomph that kicks your butt to clean your home before your Mum comes over, or the kind that helps you do the laundry cause you’re down to wearing your bathing suit to work—that one. You’ll need those cleaning spirits yet again.

Do you really want to spend the weekend sifting through paper work and building your office? Nope. But that stinky attitude is why you’re not wealthy YET. You’re going to have to shake that off—and get on with it. Who’s going to set you up for success if it’s not you? Show me a wealthy person and I’ll show you their home office. It’s your turn—let’s do it!

I have some sure fire ways to get you from zero to office hero, have a read:
  • Pick a day, and then—a back up day. You may need two days to get it all done, or a day to bail and then a day to really do it. Book this in your calendar – pen it in/type it in.
  • Tell two friends that you’re going to build your office THIS weekend—commit to it out loud.
  • Find a picture of wealth, be it a big house on the water’s edge, a fancy car etc, whatever wealth means to you—blow it up—and put it up where you’ll see it. You need something to work towards.
  • Make a list. What do you need to do the job? Remember you’re not just organizing-- your building your new office—large or small (or miniscule).
  • Think of it in phases. You’re working on your phase one office. But what is phase one? Phase one might just be a filing cabinet and an organized system. Phase two might have a filing cabinet and a desk. Phase three has a fish tank, desk and a filing cabinet. Phase four has a book-keeper, fish tank—etc.
  • Look in your home for the perfect spot to build your office. What room, spot, area feels right?
  • To tackle your phase one office, your list could have the following:
    •  Filing cabinet – let’s get serious and get a structure for all your papers.
      • IKEA has them for under $60 – and they’re somewhat stylish.
      • Staples has rinky dink kinds of filing cabinet-thangs—but you can’t stack them, I’m not a fan—but they’re cheap, like $12. I’d go with IKEA—I’m just sayn’, you have options.
    • Hanging File folders- lots to choose from. I’m not a fan of the IKEA ones as you have to ‘build’ them yourself of course, and they’re plastic; so slippery—so I’d go with Staples (not to mention they’re a buck cheaper than IKEA).
    • File folders: same as above—but do you want to colour organize or not? I’m not a colour coordinator kind of gal—but there are a lot of freaks out there, so fill your boots. Colour code away if that makes you happy. You know who you are.
    • A good pen, maybe two—they always vanish when you need them.
    • Scissors – I’m not sure why you’ll need these—but always good to have your tool belt ready.
    • Recycling bin/box—cause you’ll be ruthless.
    • And most importantly-- good tunes.
And that’s it—with this handy list, your new home office will be in business in no time! Organize to how it makes sense to you. Throw out/recycle what you don’t need.

When you’re financially organized and your office is done—you won’t even need to celebrate—you’ll feel so good, you’ll tell all of your friends how you spent your weekend, and all the neat things you found. Maybe you’ll find an old lottery ticket? Maybe you’ll find a number you’ve been looking for? Maybe you’ll find $50 stashed away—you won’t know until you build your office. This is just the beginning.

Be proud of you new office!
Take pictures of your new home office- before and after and email them to me at and I’ll post them to—we’ll show the world what you did. You’ll be an inspiration to all.

Good luck!

Napoleon produced the goods!

The Wealthy Wilma’s new financial book is Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

Napoleon  (not to be confused with Napoleon Dynamite or Napoleon Bonaparte) was commissioned to write this book by his BFF Andrew Carnegie (of the ehem...Carnegie Hall in Midtown Manhattan in New York City. No big deal, right?).  Andy  believed there to be a wealth formula—and that if Napoleon interviewed 500 Wealthy men, a standard wealth formula would surface—for all the world to enjoy.  This pow-wow took place in 1908 and it changed Napoleon’s life forever.

Guess what—that wealth formula did surface; Andy hit the nail on the head and Napoleon delivered in spades! And thus birthed the book you’re about to go pick-up and read: Think and Grow Rich.

Napoleon (or Nap for short) worked on this book for 20 years (TWENTY YEARS!), and what he discovered is now referred to as the financial bible by many, many wealthy people including financial smarty pant: Tim Ferris. This book includes detailed interviews by the greats—the line up includes Henry Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, William Wrigley, Alexander Grand Bell, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison and more.  If this was an Oprah show and these great men were her Wednesday line up of guests—I know you’d call in sick at work to watch it. Who wouldn’t? So, going to pick up this book and read it is a no-brainer. Right?

First published during the Great Depression in 1937, today – 75 years later, it’s a perennial best-seller. Business Week Magazine's Best-Seller List ranked Think and Grow Rich as the sixth best-selling paperback business book of all time! 

My dear Wealthy Wilma, your deadline to finish this book is Wednesday April 20th. It will change your life.

To wealth and beyond.


About Me

The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: