Napoleon produced the goods!

The Wealthy Wilma’s new financial book is Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

Napoleon  (not to be confused with Napoleon Dynamite or Napoleon Bonaparte) was commissioned to write this book by his BFF Andrew Carnegie (of the ehem...Carnegie Hall in Midtown Manhattan in New York City. No big deal, right?).  Andy  believed there to be a wealth formula—and that if Napoleon interviewed 500 Wealthy men, a standard wealth formula would surface—for all the world to enjoy.  This pow-wow took place in 1908 and it changed Napoleon’s life forever.

Guess what—that wealth formula did surface; Andy hit the nail on the head and Napoleon delivered in spades! And thus birthed the book you’re about to go pick-up and read: Think and Grow Rich.

Napoleon (or Nap for short) worked on this book for 20 years (TWENTY YEARS!), and what he discovered is now referred to as the financial bible by many, many wealthy people including financial smarty pant: Tim Ferris. This book includes detailed interviews by the greats—the line up includes Henry Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, William Wrigley, Alexander Grand Bell, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison and more.  If this was an Oprah show and these great men were her Wednesday line up of guests—I know you’d call in sick at work to watch it. Who wouldn’t? So, going to pick up this book and read it is a no-brainer. Right?

First published during the Great Depression in 1937, today – 75 years later, it’s a perennial best-seller. Business Week Magazine's Best-Seller List ranked Think and Grow Rich as the sixth best-selling paperback business book of all time! 

My dear Wealthy Wilma, your deadline to finish this book is Wednesday April 20th. It will change your life.

To wealth and beyond.


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The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: