How to Awaken Your Financial Brain

If you say you don’t have a financial brain, I’ll say bull! You do. Your financial brain is likely just sleeping because you’ve never used it. It just sits there, dormant—somewhere between your fashion brain and your everyday-work brain. 100% underutilized. What a shame. 

Think of the life you could be living right now if you used that financial brain ten years ago? What would your house look like? What would you be driving? How many different country stamps would be on your passport? It’s not too late! Let’s wake-up your financial brain!

The only way to awaken your financial brain is to first understand that you absolutely have one. And then, start to stretch it and challenge it! You will have to get financially engaged (Engaged? Yep, a giant diamond could come eventually). Start with reading a financial book. Maybe two. Then do your own personal budget—you’ll have to force yourself, like any exercise routine.

Most don’t fall in love with bodybuilding until they see their muscles grow. And most don’t love to run until they really get a good run in, where it didn’t hurt, they covered some distance and felt a high. Just like that, you likely won’t enjoy have a bigger financial brain until you’re seeing your money grow. And when you do—you’ll get that financial 'high’! After all, your financial brain is a muscle—the more you work it, the better it works.

The tough part is the first step; reading a financial book. I’m going to rip off the Band-Aid right now and tell you—you’re right; they’re not that stimulating.  There is no sex. There is no juicy character build up. There is no suspenseful dialogue. There is no big reveal. The language appears to be English—but most times their word choices are so foreign it hurts your eyes. It hurts your eyes because you’ve never used your financial eyes. But what if the financial book you picked up, triggered an idea—that when put to action made you millions? It is possible.

Wake-y wake-y financial brain--- it's time to stretch.

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The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: