True or false: Imagination is the key to great wealth?

According to Napoleon Hill’s research of hundreds of wealthy American’s in the book Think and Grow Rich—it’s true! This means that if you have an imagination (which I do, high-five!) then you are closer to wealth than you think, if you activate it.  I quote:

If you have the imagination and see a more profitable outlet for your services, this suggestion may be the stimulus for which you have been searching. The idea is capable of yielding an income far greater than that of the average doctor, lawyer or engineer whose education requires several years of college. There is no fixed price for sound ideas.

Really, when you think about it—any great idea that amassed to great wealth started with imagining a new product or service in a creative way: Facebook A+ on imagination (twins...settle down, you have an imagination, too), Google A+ on imagination, ING Direct A+, A+, Molly Maid A+, eBay A+: Twitter A+, HooterHider A + (just learned of this, its brills!), Spanks A++ (my ass thanks you), Apple A+++ and the list goes on.

Look at Henry Ford (who was interviewed in this book) he had an incredible imagination and no formable education. He surrounded himself with smart people—but his wealth amassed when he imagine the first automobile and brought his imagination to life. No big deal. Developed the impossible (and was laughed at)—and then took his immigration right to the bank.

I’m a big day dreamer; dreamer at large—and yes have a great imagination but after reading this book—there is a key take-away (my interpretation): there is a difference between dreaming and having an imagination. A dream is one by which you dream to win the lottery, you dream of prince charming, you dream of being a famous movie star. It’s quite different from imagining yourself as a famous movie star—because when you imagine something, your forethought guides that image, and you build roads to bring it to life. When you dream—it’s like you’re on autopilot, an escape of your reality, and its set aside as quickly as it appeared.

So—based on my readings of Think and Grow Rich—it’s in your very best interest to leave work right now, grab a pen and paper—head down to a park or coffee shop and let your brain imagine how you could make more money—without restrictions, given your skills. Write it down. Then go get the book Think and Grow Rich and learn how to apply imagination so that one day you’ll be quoting Pretty Woman “Remember me? You work on commission, right? Big mistake. Huge.”


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The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: