Potato Peel Pie Anyone? Yes please!

What a book!

I just finished this delightful/heart racing fiction novel about a book club- which is ironic and not intentional, as I run a book club (a financial book club). And the best part, this book has NOTHING to do with finances -thank god! The book is titled The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Yes, the title is long – but it’s a beautiful post WWII adventure story. If you see it on your travels- buy it/grab it/borrow it; it’s a must own/must read. At the very least it will, I promise, humble you as it tells a tale of an unimaginable (true) life lived just 60 years ago -with a wee interwoven love story, my fav!

I count myself lucky for finding this book. It was shear luck. I aimed, fired and found it on the BC Ferries en route to Victoria from Vancouver. Bingo! It did help that Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love (which I LOVED) gave it props. Thanks Liz!

Oh, and the neatest part- it was written by an Aunt/Niece team. How cool is that? That’s a story all by itself

A random choice? Yep! In truth, I never really know what to read for pleasure. I sulk through book stores looking for my prey- reviewing jacket covers and hope that my vibe is right and that the book that I’m about to pay $20 for is awesome! And this one delivered. Whew! I didn’t grow up in a household where fiction books were passed down or even recommended. In fact- reading was only ever forced on us (me and my three sisters) by teachers. My parents only read non-fiction, which for a kid was blaaaa boring. Oh, and I once tore the cover of Black Beauty in grade 3- and was yelled at in front of the entire class for my lack of respect for books (yelling at students was acceptable back then. Shame!). That sticks out like a prickle. Damn teacher- she terrified me into treating books like Nana’s china, which likely had an impact on my reading habits i.e. afraid to hurt a book- so I didn’t go near them. In my late 20s I joined a book club -which I openly called a “cult”- as it was impossible to get out of (which actually helped me). As much as I loathed it- it did get me reading fiction, which I began to love (cult of love?). And I haven’t stopped reading. I only lasted a year in that book club- and yes those girls love the fact that I started a book club myself…oh the irony.

So if you should be reading a finances book (you know who you are)- but can’t seem to force yourself to do it- yet, get distracted with The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. You’ll love it. Then finish the finance book by March 31st- K?


A note about/to the authors Mary Ann Shaffer (Aunt), clearly genius- even if this is her only published book. She was blessed with wit and adventure. I miss her (like Elizabeth, only different). And to Annie Barrows, high five lady! I hope to find another book authored by A.B. in the near future.

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The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: www.wealthywilma.com.