The Wealthy Wilma's Pay it Forward!

 I had an idea—and I lit it on fire last night! 

Who has seen the movie Pay it Forward? No? Rent it. Well, I’m stealing the concept (shh) and applying it to the Wealthy Wilmas. Am too!

I randomly selected THREE lucky Wilmas. Randomly—like point and shoot. Three Wilmas will receive our next book: The Wealthy Barber- FREE. I paid for it out of my very own pocket: book + shipping. The books have been shipped! Why?

So they’ll pay it forward. Yep, my gift to them -out of my own money- is to light as many women as possible on financial fire- and they’re gonna help.

But there are three basic rules:
1) They have to pay it (“financial education”) forward to (preferably) another woman.
2) They cannot simply give another women money—you need to educate her, or get her excited about learning how she can be wealthy, too.
3) They need to tell their lucky recipient to pay it (“financial education”) forward to another woman. I get that it might not be immediate-- but that's her task; its part of the deal.

My goal is to help ALL women by showing them that there is no boogie man in their financial closet—just cobwebs (cause we don’t like to deal with our personal $$ situations, so we’ve been ignoring them). Clean out the cobwebs—and you’re on your way to financial freedom.

The idea is lit—I can’t wait to see if this idea sets on fire!

Bernadette- yay!

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About Me

The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: