On November 4th Love Your Finances!

Yep, the International Day to Love Your Finances is now here! How? We just created it. Why? Read on. Is it official? Absolutely.

On November the 4th, take the time to pat yourself on the back for financially achieving as much as you have. You may not be at your financial goal (you may not even have a financial goal), heck you may still be drowning in bills- but I’m sure there is something that you can be proud of? Like, are you taking a lunch to work? Did you pay your bills on time? Have you read a financial book? Did you recently invest well?

Most of us spend 365 days every year secretly hating our financial situation. We feel like we’re ‘financially stupid’, ‘not great at math' or we’re just sad that we aren’t able to keep up with the Jones; that we don’t have as much moula as we’d ideally like to have. So what’s one day to actually be proud of where you are/how far you’ve come?

If you know of any woman who just can’t celebrate Love Your Finances Day on November 4th because she might be financially overwhelmed - then help her out. She’s not alone. She can join the Wealthy Wilma Book Club. We read financial books (even though they scare us) and actively work on action over anxiety - so that next November 4th- she’ll be loving her Finances! It can all start with one day of love- November 4th. Spread the word: Love Your Finances.

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About Me

The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: www.wealthywilma.com.