Give the gift they don't want!

You’re starting to knock together your Christmas “to buy” list. What to buy your family?  Mom? Dad? Mark? Jen?
Give the gift they don’t want. That’s right, give the gift of a financial book. Blech! No one wants to read a financial book. Even those that buy financial books don’t really want to read them. C’mon, you wanna cuddle up to a fire, with a hot tea in hand and enjoy a good book on investing? No you don’t. If you do, you’re sick- stop reading this. Go to the next blog about Buffett’s “durable competitive advantage’ strategy- eat your heart out. Okay, back to my regular readers. Yep, give the gift they don't want this Christmas, a financial book!  

But wait- you can’t just give a financial book as a gift- you’ll be hated, black listed- even your awesome nieces and nephews will label you 'lame'. I can’t have that on my conscience now can I? That’s why you need to give the real Christmas gift (or the second Christmas gift if you will) as an incentive, at the end of January. Confused? Let me explain. Little Susy (13 years old) opens up 'Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens' on Christmas morning. She reads the cover, lifts the book up, looks underneath then looks at you (Mom) with sad eyes of “This doesn’t look like an ipod?”. Then you say “Hey, read the card”. She reads the card that says “Hey Susy - finish this book by January 31st and you and your best friend get to go to the movies on me!- Oh, and without me. That’s right – no chaperon!” You get the gist; the second gift is the incentive to read. Because if they read it- there is no telling how much your gift will pay off! You'll be loved. Adored even! And why stop at your daughter? What about your Mother? Father? Brother? Sister? Cousin? Son? Friends? Note: For friends, its a good enough gift as is ie they don't need a second gift. If they're as smart as you, they'll read it.

Families love, love love to fight about the popular topic of money! Everyone’s family is dysfunctional. (And you thought you were special) What a difference it would make if everyone in your family got excited about their finances? These books do this! No joke.  Imagine your family feeling proud that they're learning something new and were suddenly stoked to move towards wealth; they're figuring it out- all by themselves. They just needed a little push. Merry Christmas Uncle Jake! 

Think of how different your financial situation would be today if you had been given (and read) a financial book when you were 13?  Even if you’re 60- it’s not too late. It’s never too late!

So enjoy the holidays with peace of mind that next year, your family may not be as stressed about money- just give them the gift they don’t want: a financial book! 

But what books?
My recommended financial book pics (based on what I have read):
  • For teens: Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens
  • For Dads/older brother/sister who are already in the real estate market: 4 Hour Workweek (or Rich Dad Poor Dad)
  • For anyone old who doesn’t own their own home/not in the real estate market: Rich Dad Poor Dad
  • For any female who has the latest fashions but can’t afford to chip in to Mom’s big gift: Make Money Not Excuses
  • For a female who is just getting into the work force/or a female who shys away from confrontation- or who just needs some basic negotiation skills : Ask For It
  • For anyone with aging parents and who don’t necessarily have their finances in order: Courage To Be Rich
  • For anyone starting a business: Investments for Dummies (caution: skip the bad parts i.e. the first half of the book re: stocks etc...its really hard to read/understand)
  • For anyone who dabbles in the stock market (not for newbies): The New Buffettology 
  • Also, an oldie-goldie (that I haven't read- but will read in May with the Wealthy Wilmas) and one which many men have said to me: "Its why I am where I am today- because they read it when they were in their teens" is: The Wealthy Barber
 Written by Bernadette Giet

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The Wealthy Wilma Book Club is my brain child. I birthed it- naturally, without drugs in February 2008. There are almost 400 Wealthy Wilmas in 6 countries and growing. KBDs- all of us! To learn more check out the official Wealthy Wilma Book Club website: